The exhibition of my Leafcutter Bee Drawings is now on at the Coach House Gallery, Edgbaston, B15 2RT. The exhibition runs until 29th April, so plenty of time to catch it if you are in the area. There is a special event, “Bugs, Bees, Plants and Trees” in the garden at Winterbourne on Saturday 20th April 2013, which may also be of interest. Entry to the Gallery itself is free.
Above: Some views of the exhibition. I have provided magnifying glasses for a closer look at some of the details in the drawings.
Leafcutter bees in brush and ink
Above: Some of the drawings which are on display. Images of all the drawings in the exhibition, alongside the text from the information boards can be found here: Leafcutter Bees in Brush and ink.
Preparations for the exhibition
Above: And finally, some shots of my preparations for the exhibition. It has been a long process, punctuated by a house move. Some of these shots were taken in my old studio, and as yet I have not fully set up my new workspace. The drawings have already spent most of their time in packing boxes, so it was great to see them finally exhibited.

Dates, opening times and location of exhibition can be found here: Coach House Gallery exhibition details.
You can read an interview with me in Bee Mentor which looks at my interest in leafcutter bees, but also covers my drawing techniques and practice, and my photography.
All images and text ©Christine Farmer
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